RUI SMITHS Manicure Kit Pro

RUI SMITHS Manicure Kit Pro
The Rui Smiths Pro Manicure Kit was specially assembled to include the flagship Pro Precision Cuticle Nipper that has been described as "perfect" by users.
Included in this elegant PU-leather case with suede interior are:
1. Pro Precision Cuticle Nipper (Original Price $34)
Stainless Steel | Matte Chrome Plated | Lap Joint | Double Spring | Quarter Jaw (4mm)
Rui Smiths' most popular cuticle nippers are a cut above the rest. These nippers are among the hardest in the world based on the Rockwell scale. They hold their sharpness longer and can nip the tiniest slivers of dead skin.
2. Pro Metal Cuticle Pusher (Dual Square) (Original Price $21)
Stainless Steel | Chrome Textured Grip | Square Dual Edge
Comfortable, sharp, and smooth, these cuticle pushers set the stage for the perfect cuticle trim - and the perfect manicure or pedicure.
3. Curved Edge Nail Clipper
4. Slant Edge Nail Clipper
5. Mini Cuticle Trimmer
6. Nail File
7. Scissors
8. Tweezers
Keep your tools clean and dry | Disinfect them in an autoclave, UV sterilizer, or in barbicide
At Rui Smiths, we are passionate about finding great tools that do great work. We scour the world to bring you tools to make your life easier. The Rui Smiths vision is now your reality.
Our manufacturing and design history dates back more than 25 years, and has its beginnings in German techniques.
Rui (pronounced ‘ray’) means sharp, keen, rapid, a strong fighting spirit and a vigorous nature. It represents the intense sharpness of the blades and cutting edges that are produced by our craftsmen and smiths.
Rui Smiths symbolises our quest to champion the most precise and keen tools for all your nail-beauty needs.